Sunday 30 August 2015

SBPT Wrap Up Post||❤

Hello guys,
Today marks the last Summer Blogger Promo Tour post *weeps*. This was an incredible experience to get to know and have fellow book bloggers on my blog! I would first like to thank Amber and Jessica of The Book Bratz for hosting and creating such a fabulous event. You should defintiely check her out.

All the posts on my blog over the two months (click on the names and it will link to the posts):
  1. Amber and Jessica @The Book Bratz (the host themselves) talking about their favorite genres
  2. Nori @Read Write Love28 who was recommending books for those new to Urban Fantasy
  3. Lauren @The Tattooed Biblio & @The Broke and The Bookish in which I interview her which is exciting!
  4. Sarena and Sasha @The Writing Duo talk about their favourite series finales!
  5. Danielle @Biblio Smiles talking about books which made her cry!
  6. Erin @The Hardcover Lover talking about the time she met Stephen Chbosky :))
  7. Zoey @Uncreatively Zoey talking about her favorite book blogs
  8. Alice and Yillang @Wonderland Novels talking about how they started blogging
What I loved about SBPT was how I was introduced to so many blogs who weren't even in my group by using #SBPT15. It was a brilliant experience and I will definitley want to see events like this aroud the bloggersphere as it would be amazing! One thing I wouldn't want to change anything about this tour because it was awesome and there were next to no defaults. I think that whoever reads this blog should really consider signing up next year for the tour as you will discover some of the most awesome bloggers ever and their interests. 

My favourite post which I wrote would have to be my Throne Of Glass fancast over at The Book Bratz as it was one of the posts which I had the most fun creating and thinking about. I love Throne Of Glass it one of my favourite series so it was exciting to create a fancast for the series. I relly did enjoy this whole tour and I am sad that it is coming to a close.

Good Bye Summer Blogger Promo Tour 2015 you were a  blast!

Keep Reading,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for an amazing tour and a fabulous summer!
