Sunday, 5 July 2015

Favourite Genres Featuring The Book Bratz-SBPT Tour||❤

Hello Everyone,

Today kicks of the start of a wonderful tour I will be participating in each Sunday over these next 8 weeks called the Summer Blogger Promo Tour where new bloggers will feature on my blog each week with something interesting. What is better than having the beautiful Tour Hosts themselves for my first post? I am pleased to welcome Amber and Jessica from The Book Bratz talking about their favourtie genres.


Jessica's Favourite Genre is.....

My favorite YA genre of all time is Contemporary. I've dabbled with some mystery, and thriller, and paranormal/fantasy - and there are plenty of books that I've read in these genres that I've really enjoyed - but no book draws me in more than a good YA Contemporary novel. I'm not entirely sure why this is - I guess because I'm an author myself and I write YA Contemporary, so I'm obviously a little biased - but there's something about the genre that I really like. I guess it's the fact that what happens to the characters in the story always have a chance of happening to you...I mean, like in Famous in Love, the main character gets to be an average girl that stars in a movie. Even if the likelihood of you starring in a movie in your real life is pretty slim, it's still possible. Boy drama in YA Contemp? Possible. Friend drama? Possible. Losing a parent or a friend or a loved one? Probably experienced it. Bullying? You've either been a bully or been bullied. Summer love? Who hasn't gone there? There isn't a zero percent chance that the plot won't apply to you, or couldn't apply to you. Because it can, and I like that. You don't get that with fantasy novels and paranormal novels and such - the odds of being a demon or vampire, are, realistically, zero for you. But I find the YA Contemporary genre so relateable! I'm able to jump right into the main character's head and follow the story and experience the same reactions and emotions - because it's a familiar plane for me.
Top Three Books From Contemporary 
My top three favorite YA Contemporary books would have to be Looking for Alaska by John Green (my absolute favorite book of all time), The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (again, he is my favorite author of all time), and I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios. I loved all three of those books, and I still do, and I'm able to reread them again and again and slip into the minds of the characters without an ounce of hesitation. That's why YA Contemporary is awesome for me! 

Amber's Favourite Genre is....

My favorite genre is easily Science Fiction. I love reading about the impossible or almost impossible. I also really enjoy seeing all these worlds that authors have made up for their readers. the possibilities are endless! O read other genres but when I am in a slump it always takes a good Sci-fi to get me out of it! 

Thank you Amber and Jessica for stopping by at my blog!!

Amber & Jessica are both high school girls and longtime good friends. They started The Book Bratz back in 2014 and spent all of their free time reading and fangirling about books. Some of their favorite activities include reading, writing, sleeping, eating, and texting (duh). Today, The Book Bratz and its followers have grown tremendously and they’re super excited to be the co-hosts of the 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour! Drop on by to and say hi - it’s always a good time!



  1. What an awesome first SBPT post! Thank you so much for having us! :D -Jessica

  2. I am just now starting to get into contemporary books, but I have read Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars and loved them! As for Sci-Fi... I am ALL OVER THAT GENRE! :) Great post, ladies!
